“Measuring a project’s success is more than making sure it is completed”. The Controller and Accountant-General’s Department and INTU-IT have organized a 4-day Post Implementation Review (PIR) on the upgraded Third Party Referencing System (TPRS), the Electronic Payslip (E-payslip) and the Electronic Salary Payment Voucher (ESPV) for selected Third Party Institutions (TPIs). The TPIs included Financial Institutions, Hire Purchase Companies, Welfare Associations, Labour Unions, and Insurance Companies. The TPRS is a system that enables TPIs to effect deductions for loan repayments, insurance premiums, Welfare contributions and Credit Union dues, directly from salaries of Government of Ghana (GOG) employees at source.

Mr. Komlan Messan –DCAG (Audit &
Investigation) addressing the audience.

 In his opening remarks, the chairman for the meeting, DCAG (Audit and Investigations /Payroll) Mr. Wisdom Komlan Messan who stood in for the Controller and Accountant-General, Mr. Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem said, “against the backdrop of tedious manual work in processing the third Party deductions with its associate errors and delays, the department implemented an automated system about 9 years ago and this system has been reviewed and upgraded. It is now necessary to undertake a post implementation review of the upgraded system in order to perfect it. This is called Quality Assurance”. He urged participants to provide feedbacks that will ensure the perfection of the system to the satisfaction of everyone. He further stated that the Department wants to build a user friendly system and transfer enough skills to users of the systems for the better performance of their functions.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of INTU-IT, Hon. Bryan Acheampong, in his remarks, stated that the TPRS has been in existence since 2014 and has experienced many challenges. This necessitated the upgrade, which was rolled-out in November 2021. According to the CEO, the purpose of the Post Implementation Review meeting is to evaluate whether the upgrade implementation has dealt with the identified challenges and lessons have been learnt for the future. He announced that in a couple of years there would be a development called “My CAGD” on the TPRS. This will enable Government of Ghana employees to pay electricity and water bills from their salary and access quick loans from TPIs. “I am happy to say that the introduction of the ESPV has drastically reduced the payment of un-earned salaries to the barest minimum.

The TPI’s were taken through the upgraded Third Party Referencing System and the Epayslip platforms. Presentations were also made by the Heads in-charge of E-payslip, Functional and TPRS among others.

The Head of Public Relations, Mr. Cephas N. Dosoo advised the TPI’s to desist from sending unsolicited text messages and branding their loan products as “Controller Loans”. According to Mr. Dosoo, such situations create an opportunity for unscrupulous persons to dupe innocent Employees.

The chairman, in his closing remarks advised stakeholders to play their roles in this journey of success and continue to persevere till the collective objective of a perfect system is achieved. He said the consultant (INTU-IT) must continue to provide the best advice and be committed to knowledge transfer. He thanked all stakeholders especially CAGD Functional, Technical, TPRS, Epayslip, ESPV teams, INTU-IT and TPIs for their commitment and dedication towards the successful upgrade of the TPRS. He urged all to continue to play their roles with integrity and honesty.

Author: CAGD1