Courtesy Call On CAG

The Head of Local Government Service, Nana Engineer Ato Arthur paid a courtesy call on the Ag. Controller and Accountant-General (CAG), Mr. Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem on Friday, February 13, 2021. The call was to intensify the relationship between the two institutions and to foster healthier collaboration in the service of the nation.
Highlights of the interactions:

● Nana Eng. Ato Arthur in their discussions requested for the creation of Management Units for the newly created Regions to facilitate the migration of staff to their respective Units. Mr. Kwaning Bosompem (CAG) disclosed the Department´s plans to establish these Management Units, and the process will commence immediately after the payment of March Salaries. He however, revealed that, the migration of staff to their respective Management Units is the sole responsibility of the Human Resource Divisions in the various MDAs and MMDAs. He nonetheless pledged the full support of the Technical Team of the Payroll Management Division to work closely with the Personnel Processing Section of the Local Government Service to ensure the issue of staff alignment to their Management Units is satisfactorily addressed.
● There are plans underway to organize a Regional Meeting with Local Government staff, Nana Ato Arthur disclosed. He called for full participation of Regional Directors of the Controller and Accountant-General´s Department to provide comprehensive perspective on Public Financial Management and related matters. The call was warmly welcomed by Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem.

The courtesy call though was a brief, but was very productive. Both parties agreed on similar engagements on a regular basis in the near future.

In the meeting was the Deputy Controller and Accountant-General in-charge of Audit and Investigations with oversight responsibility for Payroll Management Division, Mr. Wisdom Komlan Messan. The Head of Local Service was accompanied by the Chief Director, Mr. James Oppong-Mensah.

Author: CAGD3