CAGD 2022 Delegates Annual Conference

The 2022 Annual Delegates Conference of the Controller and Accountant- General’s Department has been held in the University of Cape Coast Campus within the Central Regional Capital.

The conference was under the theme: The Role of CAGD in Advancing the Digitalization Agenda of Ghana.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, The Controller and Accountant General, Mr. Kwasi Kwaning- Bosompem said Accountants have key roles to play in advancing the Digitalization agenda. As a Department solely responsible for and mandated by law to undertake all government financial transactions, it is imperative to embrace government’s agenda on digitalization and continue to roll out policies and reforms that tows that direction.

He noted that the CAGD has already fully adopted this agenda through the electronic enhancement of its business processes. This, he said is evident in the continuous management and use of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS), The Third Party Referencing System (TPRS), the Electronic Salary Payment Voucher (ESPV) validation system and the Electronic Payslip systems (E-Payslip).

Mr. Kwaning- Bosompem announced another addition to the digitalized platforms of the Department, the Ghana Electronic Travel Card (E- Travel Card) which was launched on Friday 4th February, 2022 by the Vice – President, His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

He also hinted the addition of Value Books to the digitalized processes. Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem said Section 8, Subsection 4 (k) of the PFM Act 2016 mandates the Controller and Accountant General to be “responsible for the classification and Management of value books used by MDAs and MMDAs”.

This, he said will ensure efficiency in revenue generation by government agencies and reduce revenue leakages to its barest minimum and subsequently its elimination.

The Department, Mr. Kwaning- Bosompem also noted has initiated the process of aligning the payroll database with that of the National Identification Authority (NIA). This will facilitate proper and efficient data validation and reduce the incidence of unqualified persons having their names on the National payroll.

The Chairman for the Opening ceremony, Osabarima Kwesi Atta, Omanhene of Oguaa Traditional Area, said Ghana’s digitalization process is very important for the CAGD, saying it will help in Integrating Payroll Management and helping to rid the payroll of ghost names.

He said digitalization has become the “order of the day” and CAGD being the main accounting institution of Government must lead the agenda to help achieve the desired results for the economy of Ghana.

Osabarima tasked participants to use the conference to learn the current trends in digitalized accounting and practice them.

The Central Regional Minister, Honorable Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan welcomed the participants to the region. She was thankful that her region was chosen to host such an educative and insightful event.

Hon. Mrs. Assan said the world has become a global village with sophisticated information systems, governance has also become increasingly electronic therefore the need for digitalization cannot be compromised.

She emphasized the need for Public sector financial officers to understand the digitalization process by getting the requisite orientation through such forum as the Conference.

Mrs. Assan was excited about the topics to be treated, stating that it is the best for Accountants in this digital era.

Also present at the opening ceremony was the Head of Service, Office of the Head of Civil Service, Nana Kwasi Agyekum Dwamena, the Head of Service, Local Government Service, Ing. Dr. Nana Ato Arthur, and the Auditor General, Mr. Johnson Akuamoah- Asiedu.

Author: CAGD1